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The Master & Conscious 

The Master & Conscious 

Congratulations dear!


You have succeded in

turning on the Light



at our Service departement on the ground floor

and opened the heavy, old Door

of the South

 which we also call The Hole of Mouth


Let us tell You about our vision, passion and mission... 

We are actually here to help you co-create a sustainable future for yourselves!

and all the living beings of your special planet that we call Tell US!   

our passion, mission, way and target group


-  We - the Heartytypes - have a passion for playing and creating together to create meaning and sens! 

 We are specialised in supporting young people in their personal development, emotional intelligence and self-awareness and of course to contribute to a sustainable development for  Your

unique world and way that we call: Tell US!

YES, we are

actually here

to share our

witty gritty

mystic magic


 We mostly refer to our ways as:




Sometimes though, we just say:




Get to know us and meet with all sorts of fantasy creatures, power pets, buddies, coaches, guides, quirky wise wiches, wizards, teachers, etc

-  each with their unique expertise and Power to support you and help You get to know and unlock your inner potential,

- great right?!

HOPE YOU WILL FIND OUR  world and Ways













the best way is, of course

to just immerse into our stories

in order to really get a sense

of US...

So. let's  continue this trip!

Yes, and let's start from the very beginning... - Well, actually from before the beginning of all of US...

-Yes, from the most mystical Place

a whole eternity before our sleeping creator face space ship


 How we came to Be

Beyond everything that can shine

Yes, far beyond the invisible spiral line

of our rhythm and rhyme

and expansion through time

and space

the only One here

in this special place 

we call Innowhere

was just the mysterious, nothingness, Outthere

More specifically, the Darkest One of All

 the One we mostly just call 

our Great Grand Creator  - The Dark

Invisible Question Mark

out of whom we all came to be

-maybe just by chance

or maybe not...

But lets not rush in advance 

this plot

No, before we came to be 

another important - yes, most crucial one of cause, also - appeared

without whom we would never ever have existed

More precisely, the most empty, weird


  and incomplete

little tiny freak of a line and I You could ever meet!

- So unstable and weak in its  light

that most of us would probably guess 

 it was no more than pure emptiness!

But, indeed, it was not!

It was most certainly a little tiny, broken line with a dot "!"

The one we nowadays call the mysterious Dark

Almost Invisible Exclamation Mark!

which actually, despite all its flaws, was right

on the spot!

Yes, even though it appeared as the most incomplete

little, broken i you could ever meet

it was also the only kind of crazy lazy

empty presence 

that could fully just be

 and see

right through the deepest essence

 The other One there 

The Eternal Dark

Question Mark?

And it was actually, out of the special meeting between those mysterious ones

we all came into being

and seeing

and our expansion through time and Space

found it's special eternal Place

right here within the Innowhere

Yes, here is where we all came to be

And, BTW, whatever story you have ever heard

about ABC... 

I was actually the first one to arrive

and exist, here

Then came all the others - like A,B,U,C,

E,F,J,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y & Z....



beond time
Our Crew
Meet the crew

 Hello Dear,

I am Miss MaKey WaKey

of the Innowhere,

 I'm also the Gardener of the magic Key-tree forest 

and all that rest

in peace 

and grow, thrive and flourish with wit,


and ease!

 are the creator elves

are the floWing elves

are the


 are the



 The magic Key-Tre forest and the Zombies

Welcome Dear

to the magic Color key-tree forest of the Innowhere


Unfortunately, nothing is here as it once was

previous to a mysterious disease 

that has brought us so much loss 

Yes, it has transformed some of our unique do-be-co-bees


and FloWing elves

into empty shells of themselves

and the whole

spectrum of their soul

Indeed, into dark zombies

without the slightest clue 

of what they came here to just co-be-do 

It is, of course - we must confess,

most heartbreaking to witness

them just wander around

in complete oblivion of their natural way

as if some Dark Force has led them astray...

We must also admit

It's quite a bit

of a distress

that we are not able to cure their condition here,

within our magic Key-tree forest of the Innowhere

 - even though we possess

all the necessary and unique Colour key-trees

which hold all the right magic curing keys...

However, we have also become aware

- yes, almost one hundred percent sure 

that the deepest essence and clue to their cure

can only be found

within the sphere

of the Great Unknown, Outthere

Probably somewhere

deep down within the ground          
of a very old and complex game

we initially gave the name:

An exploration of the physics of Grace

and created within the frame

of linear time

and space 

when everything often

got a bit out of rhythm, rhyme or reason,      

cohesion and not the least, completion...   

Indeed, in a time a considerable bit

closer to the gigantic split

of the One Great Force

and the Origin storm

that brought it all into Form

since there is where

 we have finally discovered that their 

   disease has its cause and source...


some of us here

- yes, some really  adventurous

and brave -

have decided to travel back


the space and time frame

into the Old game

to try to save

our dear friends and release their

deepest inner core

 It will, for sure

be an utterly,


 challenging expedition

But they are very determined 


 If You want to know

more about all of that

 just klick my new, blue,

flower power hat

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